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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块十 Module X Understanding societyTask(2): Writing an article giving advice and warnings: Skills building 3下载详情
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模块十 Module X Understanding society《unit 3 protecting ourselves Task(2) Writing an article giving advice and warnings Skills building 3 》优秀教案

By the end of the class, we will be able to :

1) master some techniques to summarize a narrative story with a comment

2) employ an example to support your theme

3) express your own opinions on negative things

三、Teaching procedures

Step1 Appreciate a song “UP&UP”

According to the song, when things are going bad, we should______________________________ instead of__________________.

Purpose: Appreciate a song to introduce the theme. Let Ss know when faced with negative things in life, we shouldn’t give up.

Step2 Read a narrative story with a comment

The main elements of a story:




Purpose: Read the narrative part of the story. Let Ss know how to read a story, how to grasp a gist of a story.

The comment(a moral lesson)


Purpose: Let Ss learn how to locate the topic sentence of a passage and summarize the main idea in their own words.

Step3 Finish a reading-based composition

Para1 Summarize the story in 30 words


Purpose: Let Ss master some techniques to summarize a narrative story with a comment and write a summary in their own words.

Para2 Employ an example to support your theme(Class work with the help of pictures)

The story reminds me of _________________________________________________________


Purpose: Give Ss some tips on how to employ a proper example. In order to lower difficulty, the teacher and students will make joint efforts to finish the writing according to the pictures.
