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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级上册Section C下载详情
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Guess the meaning of new wordsLearning strategiesGroup-cooperating and competition.

Guess unknown knowledge according to the context.Before-class preparationDivide the students into 6 groups which contain students with different English levels.Each group has a group leader who will be in charge of adding points and arrange the task for group members.

Score sheets, reading materials

Teaching procedures





Step1Greet students and break the ice.Greet studentsFeel familiar with the teacher and the environment Step2Lead in the classAsk the students’ their experience about winter holidaysAnswer the teacher’s question Students may confuse the past simple tense with simple future when answering. Try to correct them.Step3Lead inLead in the topic about whalesTranslate the sentence given by the teacher.Beautiful sentences arouse students’ interests.Step4PresentationPlay a video about Tilikum

Watch the video about TilikumIf possible, I’d choose another one that make people better understand the news.Step5Presentation and arouse students’ interest to read the newsMake contrast by showing different lifetimes of the oldest orca and Tilikum.Students look at the pictures and feel pitiful for TilikumThe teacher should have more emotional implies while leading in the news Step6Get the main idea of the two newsLet students read the two news quickly and finish task1.Students scan the two news and answer the first questionIt is difficult to answer the first question, so I will change an easier one to lower the difficulty for them.Step7Clear the difficulties that stop students understand the newsLet students guess the meanings of words according to the context.Guess the meanings of words according to the context without using the dictionaries.17 words are a little more for them and it wastes time.Step 8Check the answersThe teacher check the meanings of the words by asking students to answer individually. The teacher lead read the new words and write down some of them on the blackboard.Students tell the meanings of words by reading the correct choice.I’m not sure if the words are suitable in quantity and importance. Answering questions in a way of competition will arouse students’ enthusiasm in learning.Step8Cultivate their habit to use dictionariesSome of their results are wrong. Let students look up the words in the dictionaries.Look up the words they failed to guess in the dictionaries and the first to answer will be given points.Good habits lie in usual practice.Step9Overall perception of the article.Teacher draw a clue of Tilikum’s life on the given paper and students fill in the blanks.Students finish the clue of Tilikum’s life by finding out proper words to fill in the blanks .Different words which can express the same meaning or suitable for the blanks are acceptable.Step10 Cultivate students’ ability to think on their own.Let students talk about which is the better home for animals, the wild nature or zoos? Students talk about which the better home for animals is in groups .Teacher should guide students to discuss with group members and write down their statements. Step11Cultivate students to debate freely Let students express their statements. Each group has at least 1-2 chancesStudents state their opinions and give enough evidence to support their opinions.The teacher should show quick response to students’ statements because their statements are wonderful.Step12Summarize the discussionTell students every coin has two sides.Students listen to the teacher and translate the sentence into Chinese.Step13 Summarize the features of English newsLet students discuss in groups about the features of English news. Show the correct answers on the white board.Students discuss and tell their answers.Students can summarize this part correctly.Step14Summarize the whole classLet sts talk in groups what they should do when reading a difficult passage .Sts discuss in groups and tell their opinions.The students can summarize this part perfectly.Step15Assign homeworkThe teacher assigns homework.Students finish their homework by writing a passage based on their discussion results.Blackboard Design

Sharing the same world


live in the wild nature? live in the ocean parks?

Every coin has two sides.

capture[?k?pt??] pass away orca[??:k?] tragic[?tr?d??k]