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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Story time下载详情
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T: Each country has its landmarks. Here are some landmarks. For example, we can find the Great Wall in China.

T: Try to say “ We can find _______ in _______.

Know the history of Australia

T: Look at the two flags. Why do they have the same picture?

T:(总结)Many years ago, Australia was a part of the UK.


Task1. Look and say

T: Our friends are talking about the country. What country is it?

How do you know?

What can you see in the picture?

Task2. Watch and judge

Watch the cartoon and try to get some useful information.

Check the answers:

Key sentences: The children will learn about Australia next week.

(will: be going to) (learn about: know well)

They want to find out about this country before the lessons.

(find out: try to know well)

I’ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.

(magazine: a kind of book, a book about sth.)

Task3. Listen and repeat. (Part 1)

Listen to the recorder and read the first part together.

Task4. Read and ask. (Part 1)

Read freely.

Ask and answer in pairs. Finish the form.

Pair work: A:How will Mike find out about Australia?

B:He will … to learn about Australia.

Task5. Browse and find.(Part 2)

T: Where is Liu Tao? (at home, sitting in front of the computer)

What aspects does Liu Tao find out on the Internet?

Task6. Read and underline.(Part 2)
