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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Story time下载详情
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T: I’m going to travel. I will go to different places. (将要,教will)

There are many interesting places and interesting things in the world, too.出示国家

How many countries do you know?

Step 2.lead in

Please listen and guess. Which country am I talking about?

内容:It’s a big c ountry in the south part of the Earth. It has many interesting animals. It also has a very famous opera house. People there speak English

Ss: Australia21教育名师原创作品

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 6 An interesting country-- Australia. (揭题)

-What else animals do they have ?

A koala.新单词,领读,个别读

OK .let’s go t o Aust ralia

Step 3Presentation Story time:

W T: In Mike’s cl ass, th e students will learn about Australia ,too. They want to find out about this country before the lessons. But how can they know about Australia ?Let’s watch the cartoon and find the answers.

How can they know about Australia?

Look and say (左边课文)

4. 连接语T:Before the le ssons, the teacher asked the children to find out some information about Australia. What about Mike? Let’s ask him.

T: How will you find out about Australia before the lessons, Mike?

Who can try? You can answer: I’ll…

Mike: I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia.

Wang Bing: I’ll ask Mr Green.

Liu Tao: I’ll read about Australia on the Internet.

Yang Ling: I’ll go to the library.

5. T: Read P58 by yourself and fill in the blanks. (记得板书)

Mike--Ask his e-friend Wang Bing---Ask Mr Green

Liu Tao --Read about Australia on the Internet Yang Ling--Go to the library

T:Let’s recite. The children will learn about…

They want to… about this country before…

Mike will… Wang Bing will… Liu Tao will… Yang Ling will…

6.(右边课文)T:Liu Tao i s surfing the Internet at home. He found an article about Australia. Do you want to read?

Tips: Pleas e open your books at page 59. Read quickly and know the main information. T: Who can try?
