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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Story time下载详情
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find out, kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Australian,football,Sydney,


四 教学准备:PPT

五、 教学过程

Step1. Warm up

1. Greeting

2.Outside reading.(英语角小读者201504期)

T:Open your magazines .Turn to Page2-3.read it by yourselves.2minutes for you.

T:Which country is it?(France)

T:What do you find out about France?Talk about France in your groups.

T:Is France an interesting country?

3.T:Today let’s start to learn Unit6 An interesting country.

Step2. Presentation

1. Play a guessing game:Which country is it?(最后一个幻灯片重点复习Australia Australian)

2.T:If you have lots of money,which country will you go?Why?

If I have a lot of money,I'll go to Australia. (观看澳大利亚宣传片)

3.T:If we go to a country,we need to find out about the country.our friends also want to find out about a country.Listen to the now,and then answer me two questions.Q1:What’s the interesting country?

Q2:What will they do? Fill in the blanks.

4.Watch and match: How will they find out about Australia?

5.True or false.(完成书中练习)

6.Think and say.T:What will they find out about Australia?

7.Read and underline.(仔细阅读书中59页,画出划出关于澳大利亚的事物。小组内读一读。)

8.指名小组读,指导学生读kangaroos and koalas 两个单词。

The same way to learn : sport -lover Australian football, Sydney。

拓展Melbourne Canberra两个城市。

9.Let’s read after the recording.

Step3. Consolidation

1. Read the text in different ways.

2. Group work: Introduce China.

T: Our country is very beautiful, many people want to come here and enjoy the views. Let’s be tour guides.
