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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures下载详情
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英语选择性必修二《Unit 2 Bridging Cultures》Learning about Language精品课教学设计

The activity theme of this section is to design various activities around the key words in the first text. Therefore, the activities require students to pay attention to the spelling of words. On the other hand, let students grasp the meaning of words more accurately through sentences and short texts. This kind of teaching design also helps to improve the ability of using English thinking.

Cultivating students' ability to use word formation to induce and memorize vocabulary, and the ability to use lexical chunks to express meaning.

Guide the students to think independently and use the correct form of words to complete sentences

Cultivate students' habit of using lexical chunks to express language completely, guide students to draw words in sentences quickly, pay attention to word collocation, so as to accumulate more authentic expressions

Instruct students to create sentences with the chunks.

Enable students to use the language points in the real situation or specific contexts flexibly and appropriately.

Guiding the Ss to use unit topic words and the sentence patterns in a richer context.

Step1: Think of a word that best fits each definition.

1. to remember sth

2.to accept, admit, or recognize sth or the truth/existence of sth

3. the process of changing sth or yourself to suit a new situation

4 .to make sb feel less worried or unhappy

5. a strong desire to achieve sth

6. an exam you have passed or a course you have successfully completed

7. to mention sth as an example

8 .containing many different parts and often difficult to understand

9. to be actively involved with sth

keys: 1. recall 2. acknowledge 3. adatation 4. comfort 5. ambition 6. qualification

7.cite 7. complex 8. emgage

Step2: Complete the sentence according to the Chinese meanings and the initial letters.