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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Part A下载详情
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Teaching aids:

paper cards and PPT

Teaching preparation:

1. Review the identification, structure and the key words of the simple future tense.

2. Think of the plans for graduation party.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm up and free talk

T: Today, we will review Unit 5 together. I think you’ll have a happy lesson.

T: Look at the title, what are we going to review today? (A party)

T: What parties do you know?

Step 2 Helen’s party

1. Try to guess

(1)T: What party is it? Whose party is it?

Show the answer.

T: It’s Helen’s party. It’s not Mike’s party. Mike had his party last month. His birthday is on the 8th of April. So it’s not Mike birthday. Helen’s family is going to have a party for her.

(2) What are they going to do for her?

T: What are her parents going to do for her party?

Guess like this: Are they going to …? (Show the answer: go to the supermarket to by things.)

T: What about her brother Mike and Tim?

Please guess in groups. Show the answer.

Mike – think of some party games

Tim – to be a clown

2. Review the pronunciation of ow.

T: Mike is going to be a clown. How do you know that?

T: His hair is going to be yellow. Can you find other words with the letters ow?

Can you read these words? Here ow pronounces /??/. Do you know other words?

T: Does clown ow pronounce /??/? (No.) Do you know other words?

3. Listen to Helen’s plan

T: Helen’s family is going to many things for her. What about herself?

Let’s listen to her plan carefully. You’ll know the time and the place of her party.