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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Reading 'My dad' & 'The old newspaper seller'下载详情
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Learn some language points .

Improve the students’ poems reading abilities.

Let the students enjoy poems and develop the students love their life.

二、The important points:

1、 Improve the students’ reading abilities

2、 Master the language points

三、The difficult point :

How to improve the students’ reading abilities.

四、Teaching steps

Step 1: Warming up

Let the students say some Chinese poems about summer.

Talk something about Li Bai and Du Fu

Read the poem about water.

Ask some students read in class.

Step 2: Reading

1. Read the poems by themselves.

2. Read after the teacher.

3. Let the students read the first poem and then answer the question.

4. Let the students read the second poem and then answer the question.

Step 3: Careful reading

Read the text again and do exercise .

Check the answers.

Let the students find out some language points.

Recite them and check out.

Step 4: Show time

Ask the students read the poems again.

Ask some student read the poems in class.

Step 5: Integration

Sum the rules of poems.

Let the students write their own poems.
