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人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 4》优质课教案下载-四平市优课

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设计目的:通过韵律来热身,同时训练学生的发音和节奏感,后两句试着让学生拼出,并带出本课的两个新词:exercise book and notebook.

2 Show pupils cards : exercise book notebook and have pupils read them .

3 Listen and do . Show me your bag . Put your bag in﹨ on your desk.

Show me your notebook . Put your notebook in ﹨ on your bag

Show me your exercise book . Put your exercise book in ﹨ on your desk.

4 Let’s chant

Guess, guess, guess, what’s in the bag?

Text, textbook, textbook in the bag.

Guess, guess, guess, what’s in the bag?

Story, storybook, storybook in the bag.

Guess, guess, guess, what’s in the desk?

Exercise, exercise book, exercise book in the desk.

设计目的:通过听音做动作,训练学生对新授单词的认识运用,并加上对in 和 on 的理解,再进一步以韵律的形式把它们运用到句子中,用说唱的形式,易学易练。


1 Guessing game : What’s in my hand ?

通过猜一猜的游戏,引出本课 Lesson 4 并板书 What’s ----- my desk ?

2 Let’s watch the video


1 Anser my questions :Do you know the girls ? Who are they ? What’s in Kate’s desk ?

2 Let’s read in parts

3 Let’s check . 抽选几组同学,通过其朗读来判断学生对本文的理解运用程度。

4 Let’s play a chain game .

Have pupils work in pairs . Try to ask and answer : on the desk , on the desk , what’s on the desk ? on the desk , on the desk , a notebook on the desk . in the desk , in the desk , what’s in the desk ? in the desk , in the desk , an exercise in the desk . on your desk , on your desk , what’s in your desk ? on my desk , on my desk , a pen on my desk . in your desk , in your desk , what’s in your desk ? in my desk ,in my desk , a bag in my desk .

设计目的: 根据看,听 ,读 ,说的联系,用连锁游戏的方式来进一步进行检验和练习,加深对in和 on 对比运用,同时也是问答对话的快速反应训练。

5 Let’s read again

6 Act it out

7 Let’s chant

EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.8 EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.8


8 Guessing game : What’s in my hand ?