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九年级全一册 (2015年7月第1版)《Reading: A Famous Inventor; Creative Minds》集体备课PPT课件下载-宜春市优质课

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OK, what have you found about this invention?

Which paragraph is about this picture. –The second paragraph.

What have you found about this invention? Any volunteer? –The name of the invention is Popsicles.

The inventor is Frank Epperson. The age of inventor was 11 when he invented the Popsicles.

Good. Was Frank a kid or a grown-up man when he made the invention? –A kid.

Amazing! A kid invented Popsicles. Read after me Popsicles.


How about the second invention? Which paragraph is about this invention? –Paragraph 3. What have you found about it? –Its name is Earmuffs. The inventor is Chester Greenwood and the age of inventor was 15.

Oh, Thank you for your sharing. The age shows that the inventor was still a teenager. So a teenager invented Earmuffs. Read after me: Earmuffs.


Next picture. –The name of invention is Crayon holders. The inventor is Cassidy Goldstein and the age was 11.

What do people use crayon to hold?- Crayon.

What do people use crayon to do?-To draw something.

Another kid made a new invention: Crayon holders. Read after me: Crayon holders.


Last picture is about Wristies.

Another kid made a new invention: Wristies. Read after me: Wristies.


Every invention has its own story. Let’s read the passage and find out what happened first and what happened as a result.


Every invention has its own story. Let’s read the passage and find out what happened first and what happened as a result.


Let’s do the first one together.

What happened at first?-Frank left his juice outside and it became ice stick.

Can you drink an ice stick? –No. We can not drink an ice stick.

Is it a big problem or a small problem? Is the problem common in our lives? The juice became ice stick? How did you solve the problem?

How did he solve this?-he ate it and it tasted good! And he invented Popsicles: the new summer treats.

Why do people like eating Popsicles in summer? Because they were delicious and help people stay cool.

Do people like eating it in summer? –Yes.

So it is called as the summer treats. What does treat mean? –Something you enjoy.
