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the mind-map.

1.What difficulties did Yao Ming face when he first played in the US?

2.How did he deal with the difficulties?

1.What difficulties did Yao Ming face when he first played in the US?

Cultural differences and language difficulties.

2.How did he deal with the difficulties?

He worked hard and was always trying to improve, his personality also helped him.

Despite all Yao Ming’s achievements, he had a challenging start. He had to deal with cultural differences and language difficulties to communicate with his teammates. But his personality and hard work helped him to win his teammates’ and fans’ respect. He worked hard and was always trying to improve. The training paid off for him, and for his fans.

Although Yao Ming has achieved a lot, he has remained modest and has always valued his team members. After winning games, he always told the media that his teammates were great and he was proud to be one of the team.

not talking much about your own abilities or achievements

What do you think of Yao Ming?

Activity 4.

Activity 5.

Finish the mind-map and tell the story about

Yao Ming .


Listen and read the passage.

Try to retell the story of Yao Ming.

Imagine that you want to be a role model. What do you need to do?
