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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost!下载详情
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《Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost》.swf

Listen and aswer

1. Who drives them to the train station?

2.What does Li Ming do at the train station?

3.What happens(发生) to Danny?

Mr. Li.

He gets the tickets.

He is lost.

Jenny,Danny,Li Ming and Mrs.Li are going on a trip to Beijing.

Mr. Li drives them to the train station.

Li Ming gets the tickets.

Then they go to the train. Mr. Li says goodbye to them. But Danny is lost.

Listen and order

《Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost》.swf

Mr. Li looks for Danny at the train station.

Danny is sleeping.

Danny is singing aloud.

Danny is buying fruit.

Danny is tired at the train station.

Danny buys some bananas.

The train is leaving.

Listen and tick

Mr. Li looks for Danny at the train station.There is Danny!He is buying fruit!

Mr. Li says, “ Don’t buy the bananas. The train is leaving!Don’t forget your coat!”

Jenny: Danny? Oh, no! Where's Danny? I can't

find Danny! Danny is lost!

Mr. Li: Don't worry, Jenny. I can find Danny.

Scene 1: Danny is lost.

Scene 1: Danny is lost.

Danny! Danny! Where are you, Danny?