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模块七 Module VII Improving our lives《Reading(1):The effects of the Internet on our lives》优质课PPT课件下载

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模块七 Module VII Improving our lives《Reading(1):The effects of the Internet on our lives》优质课PPT课件下载

Have a debate

“Are you for or against the Internet use? Why?”

Task 2. Debate

Individual work: List as many points as you can to support your opinion.

The first source of information.

Communication with experts.


Group work:

Work in groups and practice having a debate according to the points you have listed.

S1: Argument S2: Statements

S(3-5): Supporting facts for points (1-3)

S6: Conclusion


For example:

Group A: Our group holds the opinion that… (argument)

Group B: We are speaking against the Internet.

Group A: There are…main points in our speech. (Statement)

Group B: There are…main points in our speech.

Group A: These statistics prove that… (Supporting facts for point 1) Moreover, the main advantage of the Internet is… (Supporting facts for point 2)

Group B: The main drawback of the Internet is… A recent survey shows that… Furthermore, the Internet has negative effects on our lives, because…

Group A: For these reasons, we believe/ think we feel that the advantages are overweight the disadvantage. (Conclusion)

Group B: In a word, we feel…

Task 3. Making some revisions to the textbook coming out in 2005, after the debate.

Task 3. Making some revisions to the textbook(修订教材) coming out in 2005, after the debate.

Add some recent information to the textbook.

