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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块十一 Module XI Preparing for the futureReading(2):So many jobs to choose from!下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Reading(2):So many jobs to choose from!》新课标PPT课件优质课下载

Paragraph 4. _________________________

Paragraph 5. _________________________

Paragraph 6. _________________________

Paragraph 7. ________________________

Paragraph 8. ________________________

Paragraph 9. ________________________

According to the chart, professional electronic gamer is the first choice for 38% of the students surveyed. Social media writer wins the second place, accounting for 27% in total. The percentage of those who prefer to work as organizer of micro-charity is as small as one quarter. Besides, 20% of the young people want to be live streaming show host, ranking fourth.

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Discussion: If you are given a chance to make choice,which one do you prefer? Why?

1. flexible working hour—— full-time or part-time 2. low cost of starting a business 3. ...

Skimming Why are these new careers popular with young people ?

Reasons why these new careers are popular with young people are as follows.

money, fame , creativity, work for dreams

opportunity for self-expression

the worldview of young people has changed

After reading, what is the article discussing? A.With the arrival of the digital age, traditional occupations are losing favor among young Chinese people. B. With the arrival of the digital age, young Chinese people intend to choose new occupations related to the Internet. C. Introduce some new occupations related to the Internet. D. The reasons why young people favor new occupations.

Exposition (说明文)

The main idea is clarified in the first paragraph

Do exercise on Work Sheet

What's the function of the first paragraph?

A. To introduce the topic of the article.

B. To the remind readers to care for the phenomenon.

C. To introduce some new occupations related to the Internet.

D. To call on young people to pay attention to the Internet.

1. Young Chinese people don't choose traditional occupations now.
