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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块十一 Module XI Preparing for the futureTask(2): Finding the recipe for success: Skills building 3下载详情
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《Task(2): Finding the recipe for success: Skills building 3》集体备课PPT课件优质课下载

1. the whole structure and meaning of the passage

2. the first and last paragraph

3. the first and last sentence of each paragraph

4. the meaning of the picture

Example 1


Nowadays, the term “sense of happiness” has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias. During the National Day holiday, CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by the question ” Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?” The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.

“I would say I’m pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a decent job.” said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.

Though it seemed that most people said they are happy, different voices were still heard and shouldn’t be ignored. There was a migrant worker whose answer to the question was widely spread online. When asked if he was happy, he said “ My name is Zeng “ , showing his determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.

The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered “ I don’t know “ in an interview when he was asked the same question.


When asked by CCTV whether they were happy, most people ……..while some others ……. The Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan said ……….

Example 2


I believe in the power of the well-written thank-you letters. My sister and I were taught at a very early age to write thank-you letters for birthday and Christmas gifts. We carefully copied addresses from our mom’s address book into our own pretty little books. We wrote our letters on December 26th at least every year. It was an important activity in our home., and it has turned me into an eager thank-you-letter writer as an adult. Nearly every Monday morning I sit down with my favorite pen and write a few thank-you letters. I write them for parties I attend, dinners I’m fed, or just to thank a friend for listening. Several years ago I even sent my mom a thank-you letter to thank her for teaching me to count my blessings on paper.

Sending letters of thanks out into the world has made me more appreciative of love, support and kindness I receive daily. I am more motivated to do kind things for others when I feel appreciated, and I feel that I keep kindness and generosity living by genuinely expressing my thanks.

直接概括法 2

As a child, the author learned to write thank-you letters. Since then she has been writing them to different people, which makes her appreciate the life and motivate her to do kind things.

Example 3


直接概括法 3

As is vividly shown in the picture, a woman is sitting in front of her computer and trying to add more friends to her Facebook. Just outside the door, some people are eagerly watching her, hoping to make friends with her.


/. The passage mainly tells us a story about……….

/. The passage shows us that nowadays ……
