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Now think about the hero in your mind.

Possible answers:( Sun Zhongshan

Mao Zedong Yue Fei )

They are heroes because they are brave, calm , honest, intelligent...

Today we will talk about modern heroes,who do you think we will talk about? Maybe most of us are familiar with him,can you make a guessing?

Yang Liwei is on Shenzhouv

The lauch of Shenzhouv

Shenzhouv is circling the earth


Do you want to know more about Yang Liwei? Let's read the text and do the exercise to see how much you understand.

1.When the spaceship separated from the rocket, Yang could feel the high gravity.(F )

2.Yang Liwei spoke with the ground control

when the spaceship was circling the earth the sixth time.(T)

3.When Shenzhouv was doing its sixth circle,he showed the flags of China and the United States.(F)

4.Yang Liwei felt the ship was shaking when shenzhouv landed.(F)

5.When he came back from space, he felt excited.(T)


Read the text again and describe the course of shenzhouv.

Picture1. The spaceship was lifting off, I could really feel the high gravity.

Picture2 The spaceship separated from the rocket, I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky.

Picture3 The ShenzhouV circled the earth.


Picture 4 Yang Liwei was speaking with his wife and 8-year-old son.

Picture 5 Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations.

Picture6 Shenzhou V released its parachute.