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选修7《Lesson 1 Language Learning》新课标PPT课件优质课下载

UNIT19 LANGUAGE Lesson1 language learning


Do you think learning English is important for your future? Why?

Do you think it is difficult to learn English well? Why or why not?

What is your method for learning English?

Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What has made more and more people decide to

learn English in recent years?

2. According to some theories, what is the best way to

learn a foreign language?

3. How can teachers try to create a rich language

environment in the classroom?

4. What extra work can you do outside of the


1. What has made more and more people decide to

learn English in recent years?

2. According to some theories, what is the best way to

learn a foreign language?

The growth of international companies, the great advances in communications, and the fact that English has become the global language have made more and more people decide to learn English in recent years.

The best way to learn a foreign language is to be surrounded by it, preferably by living in a country where the language is spoken.

3. How can teachers try to create a rich

language environment in the classroom?

4. What extra work can you do outside of the


They need to make sure that there is an adequate amount of quality input in English, conveyed through various mediums.