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What should we do when living in a community?

Drummer hits the road

Read the first newspaper report. Whose side are you on, the drummer’s or his neighbours? Why?

Ex3 Read the reports again and answer these questions.

1 Does Yang Ming own any of his furniture? How do you know?

No. He was staying in a furnished apartment.

How did Yang Ming keep his neighbours up at night?

By drumming and throwing parties.

3 Why did a neighbour think Yang Ming was a bad influence on his son?

He said Yang Ming drank too much.

4 Do you think that Yang Ming has a lot of money? Why?

Yes. He is living in a suite in a hotel.

5 How many days had Keith Smith lived above the Mckays before he got into trouble with them?

14 days.

6 Are there lots of candles on Mr Mckay’s birthday cake? How do you know?

Yes. He is 80 years old and his wife said the candles were “a great sight”.

7 Why didn’t Mr. Mckay get to blow them out?

Mr. Smith emptied a tank of water over the cake putting out the candles.

4 Do you think Mr Mckay should have been put in jail? Discuss with a partner.

5 Compare the sentences in the table. Which of the sentences below (a-c) are true about the formal sentences? Only one statement is false.

Answers: a)


6 Paraphrase these conditional sentences so that they sound less emphatic and less formal.

a) They wouldn’t have moved into the building if they had known their neighbour was a drummer.

b) I would have felt terrible at the ceremony if my friends had not been there with me.