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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A 1a—2d下载详情
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a doctor

an actor/actress

4. I wear a uniform and I work

to make our city a safe place.

a basketball player

3. I like sports and I practice

basketball every day.

a policeman

5. I work in hotels. I can cook

delicious food for people.

a cook

an engineer

6. I am good at designing. I can build high buildings and long bridges.

a computer programmer

7. I am good at computer science. And I can design many new programs.

a pilot

8. I enjoy taking a plane and traveling all over the world. I must keep a good eyesight and take flying lessons.

Do you know other jobs?

Free talk:

violinist 小提琴手 pianist 钢琴家 scientist 科学家 hairdresser 理发师 customer 顾客 starter 发令员 coach 教练

taxi-driver 出租车司机 sports (wo)man 运动员 headmaster 校长

firefighter 消防员 librarian图书馆工作人员 boss 老板

accountant 会计师 president 总统 reporter 记者 singer 歌手 manager 店长 producer 电影制片人 professor 教授

baker 面包师 judge 法官 captain船长 director 导演

servant 仆人 photographer 摄影师 soldier士兵

model 模特儿 chemist 药剂师 clerk 职员 lawyer 律师

psychologist 心理学者 dentist 牙医 builder 建筑工人

carpenter 木匠 cartoonist 漫画家 detective 侦探

1a Do you think these jobs are

interesting? Rank them [1-12].
