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师梦圆小学英语教材同步粤人版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 5下载详情
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Know about the teacher.

If you’re happy and you know it, show your teeth.

If you’re happy and you know it, show your teeth.

If you’re happy and you know and you really want to show, if you’re happy and you know it, show your teeth.

Let’s sing.

Mirror, mirror, who has good teeth?

Task 1: Listen and choose.

How often do you brush your teeth ?

1. How often should you brush your teeth?

A. Once a day. B. Twice a day.

C. Three times a day.

2. When should you brush your teeth?

A. In the morning. B. At night.

C. In the morning and at night.

Mirror, mirror, do I have good teeth?

How do you usually brush your teeth? Do you have right steps(步骤)?


How many steps should you have?

Tips: 快速阅读并找出刷牙


Task 2: Read and match.


Brush the inside of your teeth.

Then wash your mouth with water.

Brush the outside of your teeth.

Brush the biting part of your teeth.

Tips: 快速阅读并匹配信息。

1. Brush the inside of your teeth.

2. Brush the outside of your teeth.

Task 3: Let’s learn.