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师梦圆小学英语教材同步教科版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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What’s the title? 板:clocks and more clocks

Who’s the writer? 板:Pat Hutchins


Let’s look at the first page.

What can you see?

Why did he have so many clocks? He likes clocks. He has a big house. …

Let read the story.


Who’s this man? 板 character Mr. Higgins

Where’s he? 板attic

What did he find in the attic? 板 found a clock in the attic


What is the clock like?

But look, what’s he thinking about? The clock is very old. Is the clock right?

板:“How do I know…”

What can he do to check the attic clock? He had an idea.


板: 第一个钟

Where did he place the new clock? In the bedroom.

板 bedroom


What time is it by the bedroom clock? 板 3:00

He wanted to check the attic clock. Where did he go? 板: He ran up to … .

What time is it by the attic clock? 板: The … clock said ….板:3:01

Look at the clocks. Are they the same time? The bedroom clock said 3:00, the attic clock said 3:01. one more minute.

Did he know if the attic clock is right? 点板书: How do I … 在第一个钟后打叉 What will he do?


Yes, he bought another clock. 板: 第二个钟

Where did he put the clock this time?
