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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册A rescue story下载详情
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Helpful animals


Write a short passage.

I think cows are very helpful animals. They help us in many ways. We get milk, meat and skin from cows. Cows also help some people carry heavy things. We get so much from cows. I think cows are very helpful to people.

Helpful animals

Helpful dogs


We have learnt stories about many helpful dogs.

Here is another story about a rescue dog.

A rescue story

In the snow

In the snow

Look at the first picture and read the first two paragraphs. Then answer the following questions.

Last year, Mary and Kevin went on holiday. They stayed at Mrs. Smith’s house at the bottom of a mountain.

On the morning of the second day,?(climb the mountain/start to snow/get dark /not/find their way)

What did they do on the second day?

How was the weather then?

What happened to them?

(hear some noise/wake up/shout/ soon/see)

“What should we do?” asked Mary.

“Nothing . We have some food,” said Kevin. “Let’s sit down and wait.” It got colder in the evening and they fell asleep.

Look at the second picture and read the third and the fourth paragraphs. Then answer the following questions.

Why did they wake up?

What did they do then?

Who did they soon see?

“Jimmy led me all the way here,” Mrs. Smith said.

“Thank you, Mrs. Smith, and thank you too, Jimmy!” said Mary and Kevin.

Jimmy barked happily. Then they all went back to Mrs. Smith’s house to have dinner.

Read the remaining paragraphs.

Complete the rescue story
