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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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Yeah, I love reading books.

There are lions , There are horses.

There are monsters, big and small.

There are island , There are castles.

There are people, short and tall.

I just open up a book

And I can see them all.

It is true that I’m a bookworm.

My books are my best friends.

I read and read and read and read

Until a story ends.

I just open up a book

And I can see them all.

Task 1. Let’s read and find.

Task 1. Let’s read and find.

A?house?without?books?is?like?a?room? without?windows. 一个没有书的房子,犹如一个没有窗户的房间。

I’m a bookworm. Why?

I love reading , reading , reading .

Yeah, I love reading books.

There are lions , There are horses.

There are monsters, big and small.

There are island , There are castles.

There are people, short and tall.

I just open up a book

And I can see then all.

It is true that I’m a bookworm.

My books are my best friends.

I read and read and read and read

Until a story ends.

I just open up a book