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八年级下册英语《UNIT 5 Animals Helping People Read and Write》获奖说课课件ppt

The cats are able to watch TV.

They are able to make us feel happy.

They are able to make us laugh.

jump rope

Match the word with its meaning

a) unfasten

f) a piece of soft thin paper

d) not controlled by people

b) a bug that makes honey

c) a hot and dry area of land

h) a contest

i) hold something in your arm take It somewhere

e) have a common illness that gives you a sore throat or a cough

g) Say what the name of something is

1______ I untied my shoes.

2.______ Could you pass me a tissue.

3. _____Zebras and lions are wild animals.

4.______The bee is flying toward the flower.

5.______There isn’t much warder in a desert.

6.______We were in the cooking competition.

7.______Students usually carry their textbooks in backpacks.

8. ______My sister has a cold., so she didn’t go to school today.

9.______”Can you name three things that you eat for breakfast?” ”Toast, eggs, and bacon