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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块十 Module X Understanding societyWord power: Stopping bad habits; Abbreviations下载详情
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译林版英语模块十 Module X Understanding society《unit 3 protecting ourselves Word power Stopping bad habits; Abbreviations》优质课ppt课件

Complete the following chart.

Do you think it is very important for one to have good habits? Why or why not?

What do you think we can do to form some good habits?


A: Read the reply from Lucy’s grandfather and answer the question.

What are the bad habits that Daniel has?

eating food containing too much sugar;

having snacks late at night;

sleeping until noon at the weekend;

going to fast food restaurants and eating too much fast food;

drinking too many soft drinks

If we do not use the verb ‘stop’ before bad habits, what other verbs or verb phrases can we use instead of it?

stay away from, get out of the habit, keep away from, break the habit, quit, give up

What should Daniel do to stop these bad habits?

stay away from food containing a lot of sugar;

get out of the habit of having snacks;

keep away from soft drinks;

break the habit of sleeping until noon

stop eating fast food

(1)_________ chocolate and other sugary foods!

Give up

B: Look at the picture and help Lucy make suggestions.

(2)_________________ of staying up too late!

Get out of the habit

(3)_________ watching TV all day long!
