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重庆大学版(必修)英语1一年级《Theme A Learning to learn Learning Habits Challenging Yourself Ⅰ How to Improve Your

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重庆大学版(必修)英语1一年级《Theme A Learning to learn Learning Habits Challenging Yourself Ⅰ How to Improve Your Study Habits?》优秀教学课件

Know what skimming and scanning are and when to use them

Predict the main idea of listening material through the key words

express ideas in logical sequences and give suggestions orally

form correct sentences and paragraphs

Make a study plan to guide your English learning

Strengthening your interest in studing English

1. Have you tried some of the learning methods mentioned in the Units 1 and 2?



what methods you've used

what you've gained


Before Learning

1) Learning through asking and cooperation.

2) Recycling, using or testing a new word i have just learned.

3) Making a study plan to organize my English learning.

4) relaxing and enjoying myself while learning a new word.

1) spending enough time every day in English.

2) Keeping listening and reading every day.

3) Building up enough vocabulary by using various ways.

4) Taking notes down effectively in calss.

2. Share what you have written with your partner and discuss how to get into good study habits. then note your ideas.

3. Compare what you have written with the following ideas.

A. Develop a good attitude towards tests.

B. Make good use of your time in class.