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(必修)英语2一年级《Theme A Learning to Be Relationship Between Parents and Children Unit 2 Parents and Child

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(必修)英语2一年级《Theme A Learning to Be Relationship Between Parents and Children Unit 2 Parents and Children Grammar》优秀ppt课件

B: You mean the one who/that is wearing a blue jacket?

A: Yes.

B: Oh, he is a student whose mother is a very famous singer.

A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I want to buy a ruler.

A: We have plastic and stainless

steel rulers. Which do you prefer?

B: I prefer plastic ones.

A: OK, the rulers which / that are made of plastic are usually colourful. Here you are.

B: Thank you!

Finding the Rule

Tick the correct choices according to your understanding of the dialogues above.

An adjective (e.g. handsome) goes before / after the noun it relates to.

A prepositional phrase (e.g. in blue) goes before / after the noun it relates to.

The relative clauses goes after / before the noun it relates to.

Read the examples and understand

how to use “which”, “that”, “who”,

“whom” and “whose” in the

attributive clauses.

1. He who/that does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

2. I do not like the girl whom/that you are talking about.

3. This is the house which/that has just been painted.