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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点五年级上册Unit 2 It could find the people.下载详情

五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版)《Unit 2 It could find the people.》集体备课PPT课件下载-滨州市优质课

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Last Friday, there was a fire in a house. There were many people inside it. They were in danger . People called 119. Then the firefighters came to help. But the thick smoke (浓烟) was everywhere. So they couldn’t see the people. They couldn’t help them.

But they had a special dog. It has a very good nose. It could find the people. It could guide the firefighters to help the people. Finally, the people were saved. This dog is Mica .It was very brave. It was a hero!

Mica is _______________

A. a pet dog

B. a police dog

C. a guide dog

D. a search-rescue dog


Mica is ____________________.

A. a pet dog

B. a police dog

C. a guide dog

D. a search-rescue dog


a search-rescue dog

When did the fire start ?

What telephone number

did people call ?

Where did the fire start ?

Who came to the house ?

a fire

Last Friday, there was a fire in a house. There were many people inside it. They were in danger . People called 119. Then the firefighters came to help. But the thick smoke (浓烟) was everywhere. So they couldn’t see the people. They couldn’t help them.

When did the fire start ?

What telephone number

did people call ?

Where did the fire start?

Who came to the house ?

a fire

a firefighter
