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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点六年级上册Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.下载详情
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第三课时:Parts D , E 综合拓展课

课时 The Second Period教学内容 Part A课型对话新授教学

目标1. Be able to understand and act out the dialogues in Part A.

2. Be able to make a new plan for the picnic.

3. Be able to arrange the plan for their activities.

4. Be able to cooperate with each other in a group.重点

难点Be able to make a new plan for the activity.教具

学具1. Some word & phrase cards , the children’s pictures.

2. Some paper for students.步骤、内容、

时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up


2.Sing and dance

T: Let’s enjoy the music, sing and dance together.

T: This is our new friend, Ricky. He is going to have a picnic.

Teach: picnic.1. Greetings

2.Enjoy the music. Sing and dance together.

Learn: picnic. 由歌曲Ricky - Picnic引出本节课的主题。



Learn Part A

1.Play Ricky’s voice: “Hello. I 'm Ricky. I 'm going to have a picnic. I'm so happy. Oh my god! So much food.” PPT shows the food. Ask the Ss to read together.

Play Ricky’s voice “What should I bring? Can you help me?”

Ask Ss to choose and write down the words.

Play Ricky’s voice: “Oh.Lingling and her friends are going to have a picnic too. They have a good plan. Let's listen.”

2. Play the mp3.

3. Who will have the picnic with Lingling? What will they bring?

Ask Ss to open books, read and circle the answers.

4.Ask the Qs.

5.Play the video.

Teach: I can’t wait for tomorrow to come.1. Read together. Group Work: Choose and write down the words