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七年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年12月第1版)《Lesson 38 Stay Healthy!》教案下载-湖州市优质课

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Knowledge objects:

1.Master the usage of keep,information,

keep(+ sb/sth)+ adj. keep(+sb)+ doing

a lot of/ lots of/ much information

2 Review the usage of remember,exerccise

exercise-- v. n.

remember doing/ to do

Ability objects:

1 Try to get score for their own teams by answering the questions.

2 Students can think of some other ways to keep healthy.

Emotional objects:

1 Learn about the importance of health and try to change the bad habits.

2 Learn to give advice to others about keeping healthy.

Part V Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up and lead-in

1 Tell students the class rules;

2 Show students four pictures: What are they doing? Why do they do those things?

3 Raise the question: How to stay healthy? And ask students to share their ways to stay healthy.

Step 2 Presentation --New words and exercises

1 Show the pictures or the sentences to introduce new words.(brain, ping-pong,remember,information,keep)

2 Read the words together.

3 Play games to practice the words and phrases.

Step 3 Listening

1 Listen to the tape and fill in the blank.

2 Analyze the sentence "A healthy body is a healthy mind." and ask students to choose the explanation of the sentence. From this part, let the students know we should stay healthy from two aspects. One is the body, and the other is the mind. So the question is "How to keep the body and the mind healthy?" Then, let students read the passage and find the answers.

Step 4 Reading

1 Read the passage and finish the exercises. The exercises are related to the question.

2 Divide the phrases into different parts. The teacher shows more activities about keeping healthy and let students put them into different parts. Then students can learn about more phrases about keeping healthy, which is useful to write a composition.

Step 5 Game Time

Let students choose the pictures, finish the tasks and get score for their own team.


