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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级下册Lesson 1 How’s the Weather?下载详情
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从学生角度出发 培养学生合作共享的学习态度和竞争意识 使

学生体验用英语进行交际的乐趣 激发学生主动参与的热情 并使学

生明白在他人有困难时 应该去帮助他人。


能听懂、会说单词 sunny、cloudy、rainy、windy、snowy。熟练掌握句型 How is the weather?

It’s …

三、 教学用具 多媒体课件、图片、单词卡片、彩色粉笔 pastes 四、 教学过程

Step 1、Warming up


2、 Sing a song.

Before the new class, let’s sing a song.(课件展示 What’s your name?) You can listen first and then sing it.

3、Free talk.

Hello! What’s your name?

My name is ….

Do you like watching TV?


Teach the English slogan I believe I can! I am the best! 4、 Leading in.

Look and listen.( show the pictures on the screen.) What’s she doing? The weather report.( teach the word “weather” three times and write it on the blackboard. ( teach the word “weather”.) Do you know how to ask the weather? ( teach the word “ weather”.) How is the weather ?( teach the

sentence three times and write it on the blackboard )

Step 2、Presentation

1、 Teach “riany”.

Now look out of the window! How is the weather today? It is rainy What’s this?( draw a rain drop on the blackboard) It’s rain. How is the weather? It’s rainy. Do you like rainy days? I liked rainy days before. But when rain cats and dogs, sometimes it may be terrible, like this flood. So my dear friends, we should show loving hearts for the people in the difficult.

Teach “riany”. 2、 Teach “cloudy”.

Now listen to me carfully . Please close your eyes and imagine . Rains go away, and clouds are coming. How is the weather? ( Draw some clouds )Look at the blackboard .Teach “cloudy ”.

3、Teach “snowy”.

OK, look! How beautiful! It’s snow. (draw snow on the blackboard ). How is the weather? It’s snowy. (write it on the blackboard ). I like snowy day. I can make snowmen with my friends.

Teach “sunny” and “windy” in the same way.

Step 3、 Practice

1、Read the new words a few times.

2、Play a game. “Drive a train.” You say the first word, next you

