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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级下册Lesson 28 Ms. Liu’s Great Idea下载详情

八年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2013年11月第1版)《Lesson 28 Ms. Liu’s Great Idea》新课标教案下载-扬州市优质课

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1) She said they had a wonderful shopping experience.

2) Please take eggs from the baskets and leave your money in the box.

3) On our way home, I wondered if everyone would be honest.

【教学难点】To let the students learn to talk about what they did to be honest.

【教学方法】Cooperating and Inductive methods


Step 1. Lead-in

教师通过微视频“ 无售货员商店”介绍,激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,并引发思考。

Teacher: What’s the news about?

Ss: Shop without a salesperson.

Teacher: Is it useful in our life?

Ss: Yes, it is.

Teacher: What should we be in a shop without a salesperson?

Ss: Honest.

Step 2. Learning Aims


Step 3. Pre-reading

1) Words study. Let the Ss find out the new words in the short passage and try to guess their meanings.

2) 通过“Guessing Game”游戏检查单词学习情况。

3) Listen to the tape and know about the main points of the passage. At the same time, fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

1. Rose and her husband took a trip to the__________.?

2. They were ____________to find that the farmer was so trusting.?

3. Ms. Liu wants to _________ a shop like this.?

Step 4. While-reading

1. Read the text and tell the sentences True or False.

1) One day Ms. Liu got a letter from Rose. ( )

2) Rose took some eggs but she didn’t put any money in the box. ( )

3) Ms. Liu believed most people wanted to be honest. ( )

2. Work in pairs. Try to find out the Object clauses.

1) She said they had a wonderful shopping experience.


