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九年级全一册(衔接三年级起点)(2014年5月第1版)《Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning》最新教案下载-福州市优质课

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四 教学重点、难点分析

教学重点:本课的重点为四会单词(match, light, burn, use up,)及用英语描述实验过程,通过听,读,反复呈现,实验操作来突出重点。

教学难点:Describe and explain the experiment in English.通过示范,实验操作来突破难点。

五 教学过程设计

步骤一:Class Opening.

1. Lead-in. Show the picture of candle and ask: What’s this? (It’s a candle.) Yes, It’s a burning candle. How to keep the candle burning? Do you want to know? Today we’ll learn Lesson26: Keep the candle burning!

2. Learning aims. Show the learning goals and Let the students know what they will learn.

(1) New words: match, light, burn, shallow, candle holder, oxygen

(2) Phrases:use up, one-fifth

(3) Sentences:

① Fill the dish half full of water.

② As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air.

③ There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar.

(4) Describe and explain the experiment in English.


步骤二:New words.

1. Teach the new words(match , candleholder) with the real objects. Light the Lighter to teach “light”,and let the candle burn to teach “burn”...

2. Read and remember the new words.

设计意图:用实物火柴,烛台教授match,candleholder,用动作点燃,蜡烛燃烧教授light,burn,并利用一个空火柴盒来教授use up 等能在学生头脑形成一个深刻的印象,并及时读,记忆,习题巩固。

步骤三:Learn the text and do the experiment.

1. Watch Say and Fill.

How much oxygen is there in the air? Do you know? Let’s do the experiment.

(1) What do we need?

We need a candle,a candleholder,a big glass jar,a shallow dish with water and matches(or lighters)

(2) What do we do?

First, _____the candle ____the candleholder.

Then, _____the candleholder ____the dish.

Third, _____the dish ___________water .

Fourth, ______the candle .

Fifth, ______the candle ______for two minutes .

