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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 32 Moving Pictures下载详情
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Teaching Procedures :

Step 1:Warming up

1、Have you ever been in a theatre?

2、What movies have you seen? Name some, please!

Step 2:Presentation

1、Show some movie pictures and learn some new words:

Comedy horror(scary) action cartoon suspense(thriller) fantasy documentary romance science fiction disaster war musical Titanic(Motivate?the?Ss?and?learn?about?some?new?words?and?expressions)

2、Discussing(Show the important expressions to Ss)

What kind of movies do you like? Why?

I like watching comedy movies. Because it can make people laugh and feel happy.

I prefer watching … Because it is …

Step 3:Reading (Make the Ss get to know more?about?the?content?and?key?information?about?the?lesson).?

1.Read the dialogue and tick the kinds of movies that are mentioned in the lesson.Check the answers.

2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

(1)、How long is the history of movie making? (over 100 years).

(2)、Where were the first movies made? (In France and Germany).

(3)、What were the first movies like? (They were not in colour)

(4)、How are movies today different from movies in the past?(Thousands of people can be involved in making a movie).


Listen to the tape and finish Exercise 3 on Page 85. Check the answers.

Step 5:Practice

Work in groups :

Divide the class into groups of four and ask them to discuss what kind of movies they like. Then ask one of them to show their work to the class.(Students?can?get?more?information?about?the?topic).

Example: I really like the movie Titanic. The director is James Cameron. It was made in…… I like Jack and Rose in the movie. A famous line in the movie is they were standing on the ship

Step 6:Summary

What did we learn in this class?

What kind of movies do you like?

I like …, because it make us feel happy.

Step 7: Homework:

Writing: Choose one of your favorite movies and write a movie review for it.
