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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s Speech下载详情
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Teaching important points: 1. Master the words and structures in this lesson.

2. Learn to make a graduation speech.

Teaching difficult points: To write a graduation speech in English.”

Teaching methods: Communicative approach, task-based teaching method

Teaching aids: Multimedia, courseware

Teaching procedures:

Step I Class Opening

Watch a short speech video about Ma Yun who is very famous in the field of business.

Ask: Who is he? What is he doing?

Answer: He is Ma Yun. He is making a speech.

Then Show the students some other pictures of Xi Jinping, Yao Ming, Obama and Yu Dan.

Ask: What are they doing?

Answer: They are making speeches.

Today, let’s enjoy Ms. Liu’s Speech…


Step II New Concepts

Listen to the text and answer two questions:

I. What’s Ms. Liu doing?

A. She is playing with her students.

B. She is giving a speech.

C. She is talking with her students.

II. How long did she spend with her students?

A. One year.

B. Two years.

C. Three years.


Free talk(2 minutes)

Show the students a picture of a running clock. Talk about the phrase: go by.

Show the students a picture of a time base. Talk about the word: period.

Show the students some pictures of their own school life. teach: friendship, knowledge, valuable.
