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能够运用“Does he/she have…? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.”句型,根据具体情况来询问并回答他人有关学习用具的准备情况。 板书设计Unit 2 School life Lesson4 School Things

have Does he/she have…? dictionary exercise book

has Yes, he/she does. pencil case science book

No, he/she doesn’t. geography book …教学过程 Step1: Warm up & Lead-in Students’ activitiesTeacher’s activitiesPurposesTime 1)Guess the topic of today.Show a pencil-case and let the students guess what is in it and ask the student to read today’s topic.激发学生学习兴趣、引出主题3m 2)Look at the question and think about the vocabulary.Elicit the students to review what vocabulary about school things they know.回顾与本节课有关词汇 Step2: Words Study1)Look at the pictures and say the words about school things.Ask the students to see the pictur es and say the words about school things.


Ask and answer“What do you have in your schoolbag?”Ask the students to work in pairs to know what school things their partner has. 通过练习,学生进一步理解have的用法,同时巩固词汇3m Step 3:Before-readingListen and answer questions.Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and answer the questions about main idea.通过听力,能帮助学生抓住文本的关键信息点。3m Step4: While-reading1)Read and check the sentences.Ask the students to read the dialogue and chec k the sentence and correct the mistakes.详细阅读,了解对话的细节信息4m2)Read and tick the correct things.Ask the students to read again a nd tick the correct things.通过详细阅读,提取更多关于Jiaming学习用具准备情况的细节信息4m Step 5: Post-reading1)Pair work:Use the structure “ Does he have…? Yes, he does. / No he doesn’t.” ask and answer according to their tick.Ask the students to use the structure “ Does he have…? Yes, he does. / No he doesn’t.” ask and answer according to their tick.呈现并使用本节课重点句型回顾对话内容5m2)Read after the computer.Ask the students to read the dialogue after the computer loudly and Let them pay attention to the pronunciation and tunes.培养朗读习惯,练习语音语调5m3)Group workAccording to the class schduel,ask classmates about the school things he should have and his things in the bag巩固本课语言点,应用本课所学进行小组训练,并让其他小组猜,他们谈论的是哪个书包寓教于乐。10m Step6: Summary and self-assessment Step7: Homework:

1) Read the dialogue.

2) Review and remember the wor ds about school things.教学反思