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师梦圆初中英语教材同步北师大版七年级上册Lesson 4 School Things下载详情
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T: Why does he have Chinese book in his bag? Yes, because he has Chinese class.


T: 晚上,one two.

T:. I’d like you to make a dialogue in pairs.

You have information about his classes schedule on Friday, the school things he should have and his things in the bag. Here is an example. Let’s read the first sentence. Do you know still? 仿照这个例子以及参考我们书上的对话,make a dialogue. I ‘ll give you 3mins.


T:When they are acting out the dialogue,I have a guessing game for the rest of you.

Here are 3 different bags A B C. Listen to the dialogue carefully and guess which schoolbag they are talking about? Do you understand?

let’s see who is correct.

show me your answers a b c?


Unit 2 School life

Lesson 4 School things

What’s this?

It’s a schoolbag.

Do you have a schoolbag?

Yes, I do.

What do you have in your schoolbag?

a pen

a ruler

a pencil

an eraser

a pencil sharpener

a pencil case

Can you guess(猜) what is in the pencil case?

school books

an English book

an English


a Chinese book