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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级上册Unit 1 I always like birthday parties.下载详情

七年级上册(2012年7月第1版)《Unit 1 I always like birthday parties.》公开课教案下载-连云港市优质课

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—what to do—have a birthday dinner, eat a cake, sing birthday songs, eat noodles… 1.Answer questions

2.Warm up引出话题并且学习新的词汇Pre-listening

Look at the photo of the birthday party. Let the students say a sentence with the “always, usually, often, never” according to the pictures on the screen.

e.g: = 1 ﹨* GB3 ① I always get a birthday present on my birthday.

I usually/often/never….

= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② Do you always/usually/often/never have a birthday party on your birthday?

Then let the students remember the words, and ask and answer in pairs. Learn the new words and sentences about it.

Look and talk by using the words “always, often, never”.熟悉话题和句型为听力做准备While-listening

1. Play the recording, check the true sentences, then they can check their answer with a partner.

2. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.

3. Correct the false sentences.

4. Ask the students to read through the passage and underline the correct words.

5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box with a partner.

6. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.

7. Watch the video1. Listen and check

2.Listen and answer

3. Read

4. underline

5. Watch and remember训练学生获取听力材料中关键信息的能力


1.Work in pairs.

Ask and answer like this:

—What do you often / usually / always /… do on your birthday?

—I often / usually / always /… on my birthday.

—What do you often / usually / always /… do on Teachers’ Day?

— I often / usually / always /… on Teachers’ Day.

2. Role-play1. Work in pairs

2. Role-play运用所学对话内容进行交际输出Summary&Homework

1. Read and recite the conversations

2. Do exercises in exercise booksFinish them板书设计Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.

