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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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1. Show some pictures of fairy tales to attract the students’ attention.

2. Invite someone to tell a story that he or she likes after watching.

Step 2 Basic review

Let students retell Goldilocks and the Three bears according to some pictures.

Lead the students to read the retelling sample together and remind them to pay attention to the past tense of the regular verbs.

Step 3 Elicitation and research

1. Show a story picture to the students and just give them the beginning of the story.

2. Encourage them to grasp more about the story by asking different questions that they are interested in.

3. Conclude the questions to summarize the elements of a story (who, when, where, what& why)

Complete a sample of the story by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

Step 4 Understanding and application (Tell a story)

Work in groups.(Look at the pictures and make sentences using the words given.)

2. Get six students from six groups read their sentences.

3. Put the sentences together to make a story. Remember to use words like and,so, but, because,first,next,and then and finally.

4. Lead the students to grasp the text structure of the story and help them to find out the key information from the sentences.

5. Invite some students to show their stories.

6. Show a story sample and mark the important parts in different colors (linking words, past tense, 5Wh-...) to make the story logical, clear and vivid.

7. Lead the students to read it together.

Step 5 Consolidation and expansion

1. Design an interesting game called lucky number.

2. Arrange different kinds of tasks to help the students consolidate past tense and different sentence patterns of Simple past tense.

3. Enjoy the video ( part of The Little Red Hat) to make the students relaxed.

4. Finish writing ( Homework) : the rest of The Little Red Hat

Step 6 Emotional sublimation

Time flies! We will grow up after all. However, those fairy tales just like beautiful flowers have been blooming in our childhood memory forever.

Step 7 Blackboard Design

Module 8 Story time

Unit 3 Language in use



