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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级上册Unit 1 It might be snow.下载详情
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3) Come on, better get going!

4) It’s probably sunny and hot there.2.教学难点1. Key structures: may, might, probably (for possibility)

2. Key sentences:

1) — What’s the temperature?

— It’s between minus five and minus two degrees!

2) — What’s the weather like in …? = How is the weather in …?

— It’s snowy (cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ...).3.必备教具Tape recorder, ppt, video三、学生分析学生学习基本特征Most of the students are able to follow the teacher and they can get it quickly.个别学生存在的问题They can’t un derstand it in the class. They have given up the English study.四、教学过程设计(一)


明确目标Step 1 Warming up

Weather report:

1) Show some pictures of the weather.

2) Ask and answer: What's the weather like in …?

Step 2 Work in pairs.

1. Show some pictur es of the weather. Ask the students to talk about the weather.

2. Introduce the new words.

1) sun n. 太阳 → sunny adj. 晴朗的

2) rain n. 雨 → rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的

3) cloud n.云 → cloudy adj. 多云的

4) snow n.雪; v. 下雪 → snowy adj.多雪的;下雪的

5) wind n.风 → windy adj.多风的;刮大风的

6) storm n. 暴风雨 → stormy adj.有暴风雨的

7) shower n. 阵雨; → showery adj.有雷阵雨的

3. Learn the new words.

4. Read the new words.

5. Exercises:


1) It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. It’s often ________.

2) There’re a lot of clouds. It’s _________.

3) The weather is snowy and there’s a lot of __________ in the park.

4) The sun is out. It’s very ____________ and hot today.
