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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级上册Unit 1 In China,we open a gift later.下载详情
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3. To talk about and understand the modal verbs: must, mustn’t, can, can’t.

(二)Ability objective

Enable students to listen to and talk about things they must and mustn’t do.

(三) Moral objective

To get the student to know about the different tradition life in different countries.


Master new words and expressions , learn the usage of must, mustn’t, can, can’t; make sure Ss use the model word correctly and help students be confident to speak English in class.


Situational teaching method, task-based method and interactive approach


Step 1 Lead-in

Firstly, I will show a picture about different presents, then and then I will ask ss some questions to lead in our topic.

eg. 1. What presents do you often receive on your birthday?

2. When do you usually open your presents?

Step 2 Learn new words

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible. (I will lead ss to do card game, make sure every ss has a word card when I say a word, students who has this word card should stand up to say “I’ am here” and read the new word with correct pronunciation . )

Step 3 Listen and number

Let Ss listen to the tape and number the words and expressions. Then draw answers from the students.

Step4 Listen and answer

Listen to Activity 1and answer the question: What present do they want to buy for Lingling?

Step 5 Read the dialogue and do the following exercises

(1)Read the dialogue and find the answer to the questions.

Let the Ss read the dialogue after the audio file and answer the questions by themselves, then find some Ss to answers.

(2) Check (√) what you usually do in China.

Let the Ss do the exercises by themselves first, then check the answers.

(3) Complete the passage.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words, then check the answers one by one.

(4) Read the diaguage after the audio file and find some students act it out .

Step 6 Grammar

1. Look some picture and fill in the blanks.(free talk), get to know the modal verbs:must/can, mustn’t/can’t的用法。

