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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级上册Unit 2 we have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.下载详情

九年级上册《Unit 2 we have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.》教案下载-株洲市优质

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四、Teaching processTeacher’s ActivityStudents’ ActivityPurpose of DesignStep 1: Warming-up

“看你反应快不快”The teacher says the dates. Then, the teacher takes some as examples to students.

Step 2: Lead-in

We will talk about Thanksgiving Day and let’s read the title of module 2 together. There is a new word in the title, so teach the word at first, and then ask the students to read the title. If needed, I will teach them again.

Step 3: Learn new words and expressions

I will show some pictures and ask them to guess some words according to the pictures and the hints given. Then teach them how to read the new words and expressions together.

Step 4: Fast reading

Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. Before they begin, ask them to read the titles together in order to understand them all and then do it as soon as possible. At last, ask them to pay attention to the content of each paragraph.

Step5: Careful reading

I will design all kinds of exercise for each paragraph.

Step6: Watch and read

Step7: Activity 4

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

Step8: Writing

Write a passage about a festival. Think about an unforgettable festival you have. Use the five questions to help you.1. What was it?2. When was it?3. Who did you spend it with?4. How did you spend it?5. Will you remember it for long? Why?

Step9: Summary

1. New words and expressions

2. Time adverbial clause.

3. How to write a passage about a festival.

Step10: Homework

the students say the festivals.

The students read after the teacher.

First, Look at the ppt and match the pictures with the words, and read them together.

The students read the passage quickly according to the methods given by the teacher. Then pay attention to solving the problems.

Ask the students to read the paragraphs one by one and answer the questions.

Ask the students to watch the video and then read the text together. At last, find out all the phrases.

Because time is limited, I will just ask them to correct the composition I give to them and then read the passage together.

Then I will send them a sentence and ask them to read it together:

We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.

