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九年级上册《Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.》最新教案下载-连云港市优质课

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To know what you can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away.设计思路充分发挥学生的主观能动性,紧紧围绕独自在家能做什么和不能做什么这一主题,在老师的引导下通过听、说、讨论、模仿、分析、探究等步骤,提高学生的听力能力和口语表达能力, “师生互动”,“生生互动”,提高学生的合作意识,共同来完成教学目标。教学方法Interactive approach 教 学 过 程 StepTeacher's RoleStudent's Activity设计意图Step 1

激情导入Use material object to lead students’ interest.Answer the teacher’s

questions actively.增强学生的主观感受,引发学生兴趣,引出本课主题Step 2

自主学习Tell students what to do, how to do and the goals of A/B/CLearn the new words by themselves on the Internet自主学习单词,培养学生学习的主动性.Step 3Match the words with the pictures.Match the words and then look at the pictures and say the words quickly.巩固新单词,活跃课堂气氛并为接下来的听力扫除障碍Step 4Do some listening, finish activity 1.Listen and number the words as you hear them培养学生的听力能力Step 5Show some pictures of what we do alone.Describe what we can do and what we can’t do培养学生独立能力,同时也为下个听力训练扫除障碍。Step 6Do some listening, finish activity 4.Listen to the dialogue carefully then check.培养听力能力的同时,进一步强调独自在家能做与不能做的事。Step 7Play the tape and have the students read and follow, then do a role play.Read and follow the dialogue together, then do it by themselves and record the reading.训练学生的朗读与模仿能力,加入了语音室特有的跟读与录制功能,更好的培养学生的语感Step 8Lead Ss to learn the text by groups.Learn the text by groups, everyone has different tasks in the group:

A: Find out some sentences with can/must. B: Translate the text; C: Find out some knowledge points.关注学生差异,不同层次的学生有不同的任务,根据不同的学习能力优化教学过程,创设探究氛围,鼓励学生互助。Step 9Do some exercisesFinish the exercise of your own level(A/B/C) 分层训练,及时巩固重点。Step 10Let students to sum up what we learned today by groupDiscuss in group, and then do a group report培养学生合作精神,总结知识点的能力。Step 11Have a competition between boys and girlsMaking some sentences to describe different traditions in different countries.激发学生积极性,巩固本课重点。Step 12 Homework

A. Write down the sentences what you can do and what you can’t do when you are alone at home.

B. Translate the sentences of A.

C. Making a leaflet about living alone.分层作业,关注学生差异, 作业设计由浅至深。板书设计: Module 4 Home alone

Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me.

1. look after oneself 2. so am I

3. be especially careful with 4. be about to do sth.

