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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级上册Unit 2 The photo which we liked best was taken by ZhaoMin.下载详情
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Reading and writing.

Ⅲ.Analysis of the Text

The whole module talks about photos. The lesson type of Unit 2 is reading and writing and it is the second period of teaching.

Basically, students are interested in taking photos so it is a hot issue to talk about.

Ⅳ.Analysis of the Students

After two years of middle school English learning, they have certain ability to use comprehensive language. The text is related to their daily lives so they have a lot of things to talk about. Students in Grade 3 have obtained certain reading skills.

Ⅴ.Teaching Objectives

To tra in rea ding strategies including taking notes, inferring and reformulating;

To master the use of attributive clause of which and who.

c) To be able to write about photos.

Ⅵ. Teaching Key Points and Difficult Points

The attributive clause.

Ⅶ. Teaching Methods

a) Interactive Approach. Language is for communication and students are interested in this topic, so I will let them cooperate with each other.

b) Task-based Language Teaching. Students at this age are willing to challenge themselves so I will provide them with several reading tasks.

c) Whole Language Teaching. It can present a theme from different angles by repeated reproduction, so they will have opportunity to combine the past knowledge with the new knowledge we are going to learn.

Ⅷ.Teaching Aids

PPT, Pictures, Whiteboard

Ⅸ.Teaching Time

One period (40 minutes)

Ⅹ.Learning strategies

Independent study and cooperate study

Ⅺ.Teaching Procedures

Pre-reading activities (5 minutes)

Lead-in (3 minutes)

1. Show a video to warm up. Greet each other, and then students try to guess the name of the song.

2.Ask students how can they record the moments in their life.

3.Ask which one do they like best and why.

4. Show four pictures of mine and match the subjects with the photos.

While-reading Activities (15minutes)

