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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级上册Reading'An exchange visit is educational and interesting'下载详情
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Warm upTeacher: Show some pictures about an exchangevisit.

Students: Talk freely about these pictures in

groups.通过有关本单元话题的图片进行口头对话,激活学生已有的背景知识,吸引学生主动参与,使他们很快进入状态。为学生创设情境说英语,从而锻炼口语表达能力。Step II

Pre-readingTeacher: Play the recording of the text, then

show some sentences for students to judge true or false.

Students: Listen to the recording carefully, then decide if the sentences are true or false and try to correct the false ones.

通过听录音训练学生的听力,培养他们整体获取信息的能力。学生在判断句子正误的时候,思考与所听内容是否相符,提高捕捉关键信息的能力。 Step III

While-readingTeacher: Show some questions, let students find the answers to the questions by reading the

text, then check the answers in pairs.

Students: Reading the text carefully by

themselves to find the answers, then check the answers with their partners.

Students: Ask and answer the questions in pairs.独做、核对、展示的过程符合循序渐进的原理,并充分体现新课标自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。Step IV

Post-readingTeacher: Show some sentences that include

pronouns. Let students tell what the pronouns

refer to.

Students: Look at the sentences and think about what the pronouns refer to. Check answers

together.运用找读策略找出代词的指代内容,学生更加充分的理解文章,提高解题技能。Step V


Teacher: Play a video which is filmed by

students themselves. The video is about an

interview between a reporter and two exchange students. Then let students complete another

conversation among them and act it out.

Students: Watch the video, then try to finish the next conversation according to the text.

Students: Make a role-play to act out the

conversation in front of the class.


Teacher: Act as the lead teacher who is with

the exchange students. Write a report about this exchange visit, but pretend to mess the report paper.

Students: Help the teacher to make the report

