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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones.下载详情
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Step1: Enjoy a video

Question: T: what is it about? Ss: rules

T:Do you know any rules? Show you some pictures about rules

T: Let’s find out some rules around us today. So let’s learn M4U1

Step2: warming up: a place of interest in our city:Huaying Mount

Do you know any rules: you must be careful of falling stone,no

climbing, no fire, you must be careful of water.

Do you want to know more rules about mountain climbing?

Steps3:1. listeningA: listen to something about rules

1).Before we set off, Mr Jackson gives us some___________.

A.food B. shoes C.rules and suggestions

2).Can they go rock climbing?

A.Yes, they can B. No, they can’t C.We don’t know

2. ListeningB:listen again, and check these rules are right or wrong?

1).They can walk on the edge of the hill path

2).They must walk together with each other if they don’t want to get lost.

3).Before they have dinner, they have to get up to the top.

4).If they like, they can drink all the water before they finish their trip

3.Read aloud and conclude

Rules for mountain climbing

You should_____________________

You have to____________________

You must______________________

You can’t______________________

and you can’t___________________

You mustn’t____________________

and you mustn’t__________________

Don’t ________________________

Step4: 拓展延伸1:Do you want to know any other rules?

Pictures: traffic rules
