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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones.下载详情
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What suggestions can you give to people when travelling there?

Huangshan Mountain

Xiangshan Park

What suggestions can you give to people when travelling there?

What suggestions can you give to people when walking in the mountains?

1. The visitors should wear a hat.

2. Don’t walk along the edge.

3. They’d better take some food and water.

4. They should wear comfortable shoes.

Listen and answer the questions.

① When is Betty leaving for the trip?

②What is Mr. Jackson going to tell the students?

③ What does Betty’s mum suggest Betty should not do?

④ Does Betty think the trip will be dangerous?

① When is Betty leaving for the trip?

②What is Mr. Jackson going to tell the students?

Betty is leaving tomorrow morning.

Mr. Jackson is going to tell them about personal safety.

Listen and answer the questions.

③ What does Betty’s mum suggest Betty should not do?

④ Does Betty think the trip will be dangerous?

Betty’s mum suggests she should not drink the water from a stream or walk too close to the sides of the hill path.

No, she doesn’t. She thinks there is nothing to worry about.

Please listen to the conversation as clearly as you can, and then complete the blanks.

1.Before they set off, there are a few


2.Who will lead the way?____________.

rules and suggestions
