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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点三年级下册Lesson 3 Fish and Birds下载详情
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1、认识新单词:fish, bird, swim, fly, dance, sing, see.

2、掌握新句子:--I can dance. Can you dance?

--No, I can’t. /Yes, I can.


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Step1:Class opening.

1. Greetings

2.Sing s song together. Listen to the animals.

(设计意图:通过歌曲热身,让 孩子 们进入上课状态,同时为下面新的动物词汇的学习打基础。)

Step2: Presentation

1.?? Review the words about animals on the farm. The teacher show a picture and say Old Macdonald has a very farm, do you know what animals are on the farm? Look and say together.

(设计意图:设置情境Old Macdonald的农场有很多动物,让 孩子 们复习以前的动物名称,为新词的呈现做铺垫)

2.?? Present the new words “fish” “ bird”. The teacher say: There are also some other animals on his farm. Listen and guess .teach the word “bird” and say “bird, bird, it’s a bird.” then show birds and say:“ birds ,birds, birds can fly.” Present the word “fly.”

3.?? Teach “fish” in the same way.

(设计意图:在情境中让 孩子 们听一听,猜一猜,呈现新词以及复数形式,通过小chant让 孩子 们有趣味的去记忆新词,用自然拼读法也让 孩子 们记住语音。)

4.?? The teacher say, Birds can fly, fish can swim, what can you do? Can you sing? Can you dance? “.Help them answer” Yes, I can/No, I can’t.


5.?? Say a chant.

Can you, can you, can you fly?

Yes, yes, yes, I can

Can you, can you, can you swim?

Yes, yes, yes, I can.

Can you, can you, can you sing?

No, no, no, I can’t.

(设计意图:用chant 方式激发 孩子 们学习兴趣,实现教学目标。)

Step3. Learning the text.

1.?? Listen and answer.

2.?? Listen and read.

3.?? Act out the dialogue.

(设计意图:先听再说然后读、演,提高 孩子 们的综合语言能力,表演激发了 孩子 们的“说”的欲望,也让他们有成就感。)
