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Scaffolding teaching method; Task-based teaching method

Teaching Objectives:

√Be able to know how to express the origin, date, food and customs of Thanksgiving Day and the Mid-autumn Festival.

√Be able to master the words: turkey, pumpkin, cranberry, feast, parade, forgive, pomelo; Use the sentence patterns: 1) It is on…2) People usually eat…3) It is the time for…

√Be able to learn in the context of multimodal discourses and cultivate the cross-cultural thinking.

√Be able to analyze and appreciate different cultures.

Important point:

√ Be able to master the new words and sentence patterns.

Difficult point:

√ Be able to make a poster and make a presentation in front of the whole class.

Teaching procedures:

Teaching proceduresProcedureTeacher’s activityStudents’ activityPurpose

Warming-up Play a song about turkey to lead in the topic.Listen to a song about turkeys.Arouse students’ learning interest on this topic

Lead in the topic.

Activity1: Watching a Video-Origin

(Thanksgiving Day)Play a video about the origin of Thanksgiving Day and ask four questions.Watch a video and answer five questions on the students’ sheet.

Get to know the origin of

Thanksgiving Day.Activity2: Student’s presentation (Thanksgiving Day)Ask a student to present the food and customs of Thanksgiving Day.Listen to the student’s introduction about the food and customs and take notes.

Know more about food and customs of Thanksgiving Day.

Activity3: Reading(the Mid-autumn Festival)Ask students to read an article about the Mid-autumn Festival and find out the date, food, origin, and customs.

Read the article and find out the information of date, food, origin, and customs.

Get information of the date, food, origin, and customs of the Mid-autumn Festival.Activity4:

QuizGive a quiz on the two festivals.Get the chance to answer questions. Review the two festivals.

Activity5: Group work-- Making a posterAsk students to make a poster about one of the festivals. And ask two (or more) groups to present it in front of whole class.Work in groups to finish a poster about one of the festivals.

And each group member introduces one part about the poster.

Make a presentation

Use what they have learnt to finish the poster in groups.Activity6: Writing “Thank you” cards

Ask students: Who and what are you thankful for?1. Think about the people or things to thank and write it down on “Thank you” cards.

2. Stick the cards on a board.

Cultivate students’ gratitude towards others.
