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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 10 The Great Wall下载详情
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(1)Enhance the interest in learning English and enjoy reading;

(2)Enhance the patriotism.

II. Teaching Key Points:

Be able to basically introduce the Great Wall.

III. Teaching Difficult Points:

Be able to basically introduce the Great Wall and some other famous places.

IV .Teaching preparation:

PPT, audio and video

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step = 1 ﹨* ROMAN I . Warming up(5 minutes)

Greetings and Review:

T: Good morning, boys and girls! How do you feel today?

Ss: I feel happy!

T: Great! I feel excited. So now I want to sing a song. Let’s sing together, OK?

Ss: OK!

(The teacher plays “Let’s take a picture, you and me.” and sing with it.)

Talk and Review:

T: Last week, I went to Beijing. And I took many pictures. Let’s watch together.

Ss: OK.

(Look at the pictures of Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum. )

T: What do you know about Tian’anmen Square/ the Palace Museum?

Ss: Tian’anmen Square is very big and beautiful. / The Palace Museum is very old and beautiful. It is about 600 years old.

(The teacher shows the picture of the Great Wall.)

T: Do you know this place?

Ss: Yes. It’s the Great Wall.

T: You are so clever! (Write the title on the blackboard.)Do you want to know about the Great Wall?

Ss: Yes!

T: Cool! Now let’s go to the Great Wall with Li Ming, Jenny and Danny.

Step = 2 ﹨* ROMAN II . New Concepts(20 minutes)

On the Great Wall
